Hanging baskets

Hanging Baskets are a gardening trend designed to place foliage and/or flowers up where the eyes can see them. They contain a wide range of plant material; either with a single consistent type of plant in the basket, or with a combination of complimentary colors or textures. Baskets can be broken up into 2 main categories:

  1. Flowering Baskets – Typically grown and sold in the spring and containing one or more varieties of flowering bedding plants, such as Petunia, Calibrachoa, Angelonia, Verbena, Geranium, or Pansies. These are usually grown in 10” to 12” pots, though there are numerous specialty sizes for select markets.
  2. Foliage Baskets – Grown for their foliar color and texture rather than their flowers, these are typically made up of Ferns (Nephrolepis), Tradescantia, Pothos (Epipremnum), various Ivy varieties (Hedera), and/or Spider Plants (Clorophytum).

What we can do for Hanging baskets