With production centers in San Quintín and Vizcaíno, Baja California, Rancho Los Pinos sets the standard for vegetable production, packing, and marketing in northwestern Mexico. Renowned for quality and committed to sustainability and workforce well-being, they are a benchmark in the industry.
Founded in 1950 by Don Luis Rodríguez Aviña, Rancho Los Pinos boasts over 70 years of agricultural expertise. On its 610 hectares of protected farmland, the ranch produces various tomato and cucumber varieties, along with 55 hectares of open-field Brussels sprouts annually. These crops are distributed to markets in Asia, Europe, North America, and domestically.
The large production scale, high water demand, and pest pressures challenge the Los Pinos team to seek innovative solutions for sustainability. Over the past 20 years, they have reduced water consumption by 65% and minimized pesticide use by implementing biological control and natural pollination programs.

A long and increasingly sustainable road to learning and success
The partnership between Koppert and Rancho Los Pinos spans over 20 years, beginning with natural pollination programs and evolving to include biological control for thrips and other pests. "I recommended Koppert for their efficient logistics in delivering essential materials: biological control products, pollinators, and tools like Rollertrap traps for monitoring migrant pests," said Eduardo Chan, the farm's production manager, who has seen Koppert's success firsthand.
"We realized that incorporating pollinators and biological control in our crops significantly reduced our reliance on high-impact pesticides," noted José Antonio Cruz, general manager of Grupo Los Pinos. "Together, we've learned to produce better, healthier food and nearly eliminate pesticides in tomato and cucumber production. We are very proud of this achievement."

At Rancho Los Pinos, they have set out to continue implementing policies and technology to minimise environmental impact. This has allowed them to grow and strengthen their competitiveness in international markets.
Thanks to the use of Koppert's biological systems, producers around the world have reduced their impact on the environment by drastically reducing the use of chemical pesticides. In addition, together with them, cutting-edge solutions have been developed that have enabled them to increase the productivity and profitability of their crops. The ongoing collaboration between farmers and Koppert lives up to one of its core values: working for the growers.