If you’re looking for an interesting listen there’s a two-part episode of Tech On Demand from GrowerTalks Magazine featuring a special guest, Jeremy Webber, Koppert's National Ornamental Team Manager. Jeremy sat down with host, Bill Calkins, to discuss an extremely important topic these days, BioSolutions for crops. Biocontrols are on just about every greenhouse professional’s mind, and more are considering bios every year.
Jeremy has extensive experience in the industry, as a grower and as a trusted biocontrol advisor. He’s worked with greenhouses of all sizes, growing a wide range of crops—edibles, ornamentals, cannabis, and more—and developing and implementing biological crop protection programs.
Jeremy works with experienced teams in the field and in the lab and has a tremendous amount of knowledge regarding modern integrated pest management (IPM) strategies to share. On the podcast he answers rapid-fire questions and dives a little deeper into some FAQ subjects, including Koppert’s history and their vision for 100% sustainable agriculture.
Be sure to listen to Part II to hear about a few more tactical topics, like gateway pests to start approaching with biocontrol, and no-brainer ways biocontrol strategies can be implemented into any greenhouse immediately. There are also tips for application and release best practices for biocontrol from Jeremy’s article in the 2024 GrowerTalks BioSolutions Guide.
Bill Calkins is widely known as the editor of Tech On Demand, the email newsletter discussing technical topics in the horticultural industry. In his companion podcast, he and his expert guest speakers deliver weekly cultural and technical information to greenhouse professionals, covering the latest research and timely production tips and tricks.
For more information about building an effective bioprogram, contact Jeremy at jwebber@koppert.com
You can listen to the podcasts from three sources:
- Part I: https://techondemand.podbean.com/e/biosolutions-in-2024-part-one-ft-koppert-s-jeremy-webber/
- Part II: https://techondemand.podbean.com/e/biosolutions-in-2024-part-two-ft-koppert-s-jeremy-webber/
- Part I: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/biosolutions-in-2024-part-one-ft-kopperts-jeremy-webber/id1523055762?i=1000661709826
- Part II: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/biosolutions-in-2024-part-two-ft-kopperts-jeremy-webber/id1523055762?i=1000661787158