The first UN International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste will be held on 29 September, recognizing the fundamental role that food production plays in promoting food security and nutrition in the fight for Zero Hunger and against Climate Change.
Globally, more than 14% of food produced is lost between harvest and retail. Significant quantities are also wasted in retail and at the consumption level. In the case of fruits and vegetables, more than 20% is lost. At Koppert, we are well aware of these losses and play an increasingly positive role when it comes to sustainable cultivation practices. Someone who feels strongly about our contribution is Greenhouse Vegetable Consultant, Ron Delissen:
‘As an end-consumers we are all part of the problem as well as part of the solution when it comes to food waste. Working at Koppert gives us the opportunity to be part of the solution at an earlier stage. Our work puts us at the very start of the food production chain where we can advise growers about sustainable cultivation practices.’
‘By providing natural solutions we offer both preventive as well as reactive actions for growers, and on top of that, promote total plant health and a holistic approach. NatuGro is a perfect example of this. We also improve efficiency and help growers get the most out of their crops with the same inputs, or even less input. Growers get top quality produce that will last longer, with a better shelf life, thus reducing food loss even before it gets to the consumer. Just think of the beneficial mites and other insects, microbials and natural pollination and their positive impact on resilient growth.’
Improved technologies and innovation
‘Our scouting techniques and other application techniques, and of course, knowledge sharing and advice also make an enormous contribution towards strengthening food cultivation in the most sustainable way. We keep improving and adjusting to what the market needs and wants.
‘From a Koppert company point of view, reducing waste in general through using recyclable packaging, water use reduction, the use of solar panels, electric vehicles and reducing the kilometres driven or travelled are all part of reducing waste and our carbon footprint at the same time.’
In the process of making products and production processes more sustainable, Koppert contributes towards several of the UN’s Social Development Goals, such as Zero Hunger by 2030, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Life on Land. In doing so, Koppert has become a ‘Partner for the Goals’.
Ron Delissen